
A. Curriculum
The curriculum areas are the organizers for ensuring that learning takes place across a broad range of contexts, and offer a way of grouping experiences and outcomes under recognizable headings.
Personal Development
For many children, this is their first group experience and they are learning to:
- listen quietly/ develop attention span
- take turns
- participate in small and large group activities
- follow classroom/ playground rules
- manage transitions from one activity to the next
- follow the classroom schedule/ routines
They need to:
- know their first and last name
- identify if they are a boy or girl
- identify members of their family
- begin to notice similarities/ differences between themselves and others (eye color, favorite activities, etc.)
Social Development
They are also learning to:
- initiate a play activity with others
- begin to work/ play cooperatively
- ask for help from peers/ adults
They need to be able to solve conflicts and:
- use words to identify problem
- use words to express their feelings
- brainstorm possible solutions
- ask adult for help if needed
The area of General Knowledge helps the children to enhance and improve their knowledge about the basic and interesting things about the world around them. It also caters to basic information regarding the subjects of Islamiat, Social Studies and Science.
Singing songs and reciting poems and rhymes with children helps them develop early literacy skills. Keeping a steady beat develops language. Clapping hands, stamping feet, and using rhythm instruments in time to music develops important pre-reading skills. Young children recognize words, sounds, rhythms, tones, and pitches long before they talk or sing,. So, the more music your children have in their lives, the better they will speak and read.
Physical education prepares children to be physically and mentally active, fit and healthy…for life. Here are some of the many benefits children receive from physical education/activities:
- improved physical fitness
- Skill and motor skills development
- Provides regular, healthful physical activity
- Teaches self discipline
- Facilitates development of student responsibility for health and fitness
- Influence moral development, leadership, cooperate with others
- Strengthened peer relationships
- Physical education can improve self-confidence and self-esteem
- Respect – PE helps you respect your classmates and teammates
- Experience in setting goals
- Improved academics – The big bonus benefit!
Knowing other languages and understanding other cultures is a 21st century skill set for students as they prepare to live and work in a global society.
Mathematics equips us with the skills we need to interpret and analyses information, simplify and solve problems, assess risk and make informed decisions.
The inspiration and power of the arts play a vital role in enabling the children and young people to enhance their creative talent and develop their artistic skills.
Religious and moral education shows awareness of importance of celebrations, festivals and customs. It develops understanding of what is fair and unfair and the importance of caring for, sharing and cooperating with others.
Science and its practical application in healthcare and industry is central to our economic future, for our health and wellbeing as individuals and as a society.
Through social studies, children and young people develop their understanding of the world by learning about other people, societies, their beliefs and values.
Develop ICT skills, solve problems, express thoughts and what has been learnt through photographs, pictures, recordings of voices and other sounds.
B. Booklist
Whole of the Curriculum of EFA is designed to improve the skills and abilities of students so that they can compete easily with their fellow students. At EFA Schools, we ensure that each book of the curriculum provides maximum understanding of the topics given according to National curriculum.